Sunday, June 16, 2013

Three Temptations

On comparing the three temptations of Jesus in Matthew 4:1-11 to John’s three aspects of worldliness in 1John 2:16, I was challenged with what should be our response when in similar situations. Just reviewing, John identifies worldliness as the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does (NIV), and the Lord Jesus’ temptations were for food when hungry, for recognition of who He was, and for all the wealth and power of the world.  His answers help us to respond to opportunities to act contrary to the character of God, and go beyond a list of do’s and don’ts.
When faced with hunger (the desires of the flesh -ESV), Jesus reminded Himself (and the devil) that clearly hearing and taking in every word that God says takes precedence over satisfying our physical wants. In fact all the physical realm including our senses to enjoy it, came into existence by the word of God. (Heb.11:3)  When faced with the opportunity to be recognized as being the Son of God (the boasting of what he has and does), He observed that wanting to be exalted is usurping the place of God. And He recognized that the desire for wealth and power was idolatry, as He later remarked, “You cannot serve both God and money.” (Mt.6:24) Paul also observed that a greedy person… is an idolater.(Eph.5:5)

We will likely be faced with any one, or all three, of these types of temptations today. With the power of the Spirit of God, it is possible to answer them as the Lord did rather than struggling with our list of legal requirements that are so easy to talk ourselves  out of. We will still struggle, but can rightly see it in light of every sin being: not trusting God to provide for our physical needs, wanting praise that is rightly His, or worshiping created stuff above the Creator.  –philw- June 2013